When you use Poké Beans for additional effects, they only last a certain amount of time. This will put 7 of your standard beans out and distribute them across the Internet to other players and you will sometimes find Bean Bottles from other players turn up on your game. You can also, once a day, send out a Bean Bottle. Patterned Beans can be exchanged for 3 PokéBeans while Rainbow Poké Beans can be exchanged for 7 standard Poké Beans. Mohn will help you develop the islands, as well as exchange Special PokéBeans for standard ones. These are obtained in the Poké Pelago and can be used to boost effects in it, as well as being fed to Pokémon in Pokémon Refresh.

The main feature of Poké Pelago are Poké Beans. These islands make use of the Pokémon that are in your Boxes It is run by the character Mohn who will help you develop the island in order to get more features. It is accessed from the menu at any time which flies you to there.

The Poké Pelago is an area that opens up after Kiawe's trial, where you use the Pokémon from your boxes and have them participate in helping you play games to find a variety of Pokémon, items and more.